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Double bounce roll

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 3:28 pm
by NZ C1er
One of the better rolling tips I've picked up is to crunch with the off side knee when over and on the sweep before crunching with the onside and flicking with the offside, sort of winding up.
When my roll attempt fails my reaction has always been to go back to the tuck and setup with blade on offside deck, but it takes time which I don't always have.
I have started to work with what I call the double bounce roll. I don't return to the tuck but instead stay out and do a quick scull stroke (with my face to the surface) in and out then hit the roll again just as the momentum of the boat is turning back to it's onside (second bounce) having splashed down to the offside (first bounce) when I came down from the failed attempt.
Its like a super wind up, latching onto on the boats momentum and the boat comes up sooo easy (and its quick).
In a "situation" my reaction so far is still to go back into the tuck, but I'm working on that.
Is anyone else using this method and managing to use it in a "situation"?