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More exciting times for canoeing!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 5:21 am
by Alanboc1
Hey all you Ocoee and Caption fans out there! MTCanoes is now officially up and running! Their shop is a show place in itself and the boats coming out the door, are works of art. Check out the home page and gallery at" onclick=";return false;
John and Jeff are making composite Ocoees, called the FH, after designer Frankie Hubbard, composite Modified Ocoees, called the MO and composite Captions, called the SS, after designer Steve Scarborough. They are doing many creative lay-ups and color combinations. Check out the gallery.

I own two FH's and my latest favorite boat- an SS in black, red and yellow. The German boat! Looks awesome! Stiff, light (about 48 pounds), beautiful woodwork, 36" deck plates, bow and stern and super comfy outfitting. Mine has a nice minimalist solo portage yoke. My two FH's weigh in at 30# and the other not much over 20#. There are at least 5 FH's floating around Wausau, scarfed up quickly at last year's slalom nationals.

I am a very biased friend and loyal customer. But if you have a fondness for these two classic designs that are still favored by many paddlers after more than 20 years, check out their website. These boats are light, durable and fast!

Re: More exciting times for canoeing!

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 3:29 pm
by Einar
I loved the composite Occoee's that showed up on the Blackwater River, MT at the Slalom Nationals years ago.
A really fun boat, with more acceleration and speed, on top of all the original Occoee qualities.
Production is a great idea.

Einar, an Occoee paddler and
Caption paddler

Re: More exciting times for canoeing!

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 1:45 am
by Alanboc1
I retrieved my SS2 from MT Canoes last October with such haste that they didn't have a chance to get a photo. Here is my new Achtung Baby! Those that know me from slalom nationals may remember my blue dagger caption. Well used but still in solid condition. It was the sacrificial hull for the mold. I went without a ww tandem boat most of last year. Used the SS2 only one time before winter hit. Can't wait for open water!!!!

Re: More exciting times for canoeing!

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2017 6:46 pm
by Paddle Power
Great news for Canoeing.

Wishing MTCanoes all the best.