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C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:29 pm
by hazardharry
i am 6'4" 235# size 14 feet. any hope for a sasquatch shaped paddler? too cold to paddle and get your gear off so i need a new project. :D

Re: C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:42 pm
by Sir Adam
It would be worth checking out just about any boat with a good sized rim, but also depends on the seat height you can stand.

Another trick will be wearing only socks (or less).

You may want to check out a Hahn, as Charlie Walbridge is about your size as I recall. Available cheap often too, if you're willing to go old school glass vs. newer.

Millbrook Wide Ride would be another if you want a bit more playability.

You could also see if you can get your feet under the back deck of the Cascade and Atom.

Lots more choices, if you're ever over 12804 way drop me a line - I'm right on the river and it's easy to go down the bank to the river. Flatwater, but it's wet (well, when it isn't solid like it is now).

Good luck!

Re: C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 1:51 pm
by hazardharry
a quick google searh of images of the dagger and i came across" onclick=";return false;

Re: C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Sun Jan 26, 2014 6:10 pm
by RobertM
My two cents (proably worth less than that, I've got size 9.5s never had a problem). In a C1 it's more about your weight and the saddle height you can get comfortable with, than your shoe size. Once you get used to the plantar flex, tops-of-feet-on-bottom-of-boat position it seems like they get easier to stick in anywhere. Easy for me to say, I've got average sized feet.

I'm personally a big fan of the Cascade, particulalry as an easing into a C1 boat. Friendly, forgiving, and, on the cboats scale of things, comfortable. The Atom has the same saddle set-up and cockpit opening, but in a hull that's a bit, shall we say, edgier. The Cascade will tolerate a good deal more saddle height than the Atom at the same paddler weight. At 235 you might find the Atom a bit slicey, I don't know what you're normally paddling.

I'm planning to be at ALF, at least for the first few days. If I go I'll have a Cascade along, you'd be welcome to give it a try.

Re: C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 1:15 am
by hazardharry
look what i found for $60 in new hampshire, a savage skreem.

Re: C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2014 6:36 am
by ezwater
I'm 6' 5", size 15 feet, and right now I'm back down to 210 from 225.

I was able to tolerate a 5 3/4" saddle in my Dagger Zealot, but now in my old age, I find a 10" seat in my Millbrook Edsel to be hard on circulation below the knees.

I have a Millbrook Wide Ride, bought used, and for my height and weight, the cockpit is just a little far forward. If you have Kaz build you one of his c-1s, discuss your size and weight and see if he can put the cockpit back an inch. I plan to split my Wide Ride cockpit at the rear and spread the wings, cutting the deck to accomodate. The cut can easily be filled by hand layup. As it is now, it has to be paddled sitting straight up. If I lean forward, the bow sinks and the stern squirrels around.

I don't recommend looking for an extra big cockpit like those in the Slasher, Cascade, or Atom. Those cockpits were designed by lawyers. You want a cockpit just big enough for you. I paddled a Phoenix Seewun for a decade. It had a rather small cockpit, but it was tipped up at the front so entry and exit was easy. Having a just-big-enough cockpit meant that I had thigh support from above and from the side, which made rolling easier. The only c-1s that sometimes had too small cockpits were the Noah Atlantis series.

The cockpit on my Dagger Zealot was just the right size, and was placed for optimum trim. Leaning forward a bit to paddle hard did not douse the bow, and leaning back for upstream gates caused just the right amount of under-slicing by the stern.

Re: C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2014 1:26 am
by Bruce Farrenkopf
I vote for a used Dagger Cascade. It is a BIG C1.

Re: C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:27 pm
by ClassFive Boats
Large Jackson Karma my vote. goes up to 300 lbs paddler weight according to jackson. Over 220 lbs and the cascade will start catching stern edges a lot..

Re: C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 1:39 am
by Sir Adam
For glass, how about a Magnet;)

Lots of volume, plenty of room in the cockpit (and for feet). Does anyone know the upper weight limit?

Re: C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:07 pm
by Paddle Power
For plastic, how about a used Robson Finkenmeister (aka Fink)?

Re: C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 9:57 pm
by Bruce Farrenkopf
I have had a Finkenmeister for many years and continue to paddle it. I think the cockpit is on the small side and getting your feet in and out of the boat is tight due in part to the big hip braces.

Re: C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:07 am
by Sir Adam
...which explains the folks I know that remove the hip braces ("beaver tails") in the Fink.

I like them so far, but my flippers are mid sized (8.5).

For creeking the Fink is a good option. Likes to be paddled though... might be a bit of a steep learning curve coming from an open boat.

Re: C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 4:53 am
by ezwater
Sir Adam, do you know someone who has the Magnet mold and is making them for sale?

The Wide Ride was designed by a guy who is similar in weight to Hazard Harry. If the cockpit issue I described can be corrected, it should be both zippy and forgiving. I think Kaz ought to consider reversing the direction of the cockpit for large customers. It helps to have a narrowing aperture toward the bow, so that the deck can be used as supplementary thigh control. Putting the wider portion toward the rear gives more hip room, and allows more margin for fore/aft butt placement.

Re: C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:31 am
by ClassFive Boats
We have the Magnet mold, and it is available.

Re: C-1 recommendations?

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:33 am
by Sir Adam
Yup - see above:)