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Pyranha S8 225 as a Conversion?

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:09 am
by Marc Evans
Has anyone converted a Pyranha S8 225? I'm 6'4", 180 pounds with a 36" inseam and size 12 feet. I've got a line on a cheap one and was just wondering. I'm looking for something that carves well, will surf, attain reasonably well, spin and maybe do cartwheels. I'd have to learn to cartwheel, but learning is the fun part. Also, I wouldn't mind an opinion on how the boat would be for flat water play.

If you have used the S8 as a kayak, I'd be happy to hear your opinion. As a kayak it wouldn't be for me, as I don't know what to do with that extra blade. However, one of my kids might use it as one, so I'd be happy to hear any thoughts.

Happy New Years - Marc

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:44 am
by Mike W.
I paddle w/ a guy who uses an S8 235 as a K1. That thing surfs like a dream! I've often thought it would make a good C-1. The level wasn't great this day, but here's video of him surfing @ Weldon. The K1 is the S8235. I think the paddler is around 225lbs. The C-1 is a Necky Rip. That boat surfs anything!

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 3:39 pm
by markzak
I converted one and it was a blast. I converted the 225, not the bigger model. I used to paddle it as a kayak and got bored, and thats how I started C1ing, in that S8. I'm about 180-185 and 6'1". You'll fit fine in the boat, I had about a 5 inch saddle on mine. Its slicy and fun as heck, but it is hard to cartwheel, whether flatwater or on a wave. Maybe it could use a touch more volume. I always thought about pushing up the deck height in the 225 to get a little more volume out of it, but never did. All the same I ran my S8 on class 2 to class IV and always had a great time. Great downriver boat, and good surfer, not good at really high volume though.

If you can get one cheap, go for it!

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:01 am
by Marc Evans
Mike and Marc,

Thanks for the info. The boat is cheap ($150), so I may pick it up. I figure I can't go wrong - if it doesn't work for a C1 I'll keep it as a kayak for someone else to use.

Cheers, Marc