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Shoulder Pains

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:19 am
by pdown2
So I went out on the river today and during a simple and easy onside bow ruder I put a little to much weight on my paddle and BAM! I felt my shoulder slide out and then do some kind of grind and then, thank God, POP! right back in. It doesn't feel that bad now, wonders of Dogfish self medication and ice, but it doesn't feel that great either.

Anyone out there know any physical therapy tips to get everything back to normal and more importantly help prevent this in the future. This is about the 4th time its happen in the past few years.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 3:43 am
by ezwater
Was this your upper arm that partially dislocated? Try to discipline yourself to keep your upper hand as low as is consistent with not catching your paddle on the bottom of the river. (Catching your paddle can also screw up your shoulder.)

The stressed ligaments will tend to shorten and heal, but it sounds like, if you have a recurrence of such partial dislocations, you would profit from surgery to tighten things up.

shoulder pain

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:12 am
by vzap
Try experimenting with a shorter paddle. It's quicker to get to your off-side and allows more "shock absorber" travel in your arm/shoulder therefore lessening the chance of shoulder injury from the unexpected rock or other bottom contact. nitro vinny